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  Lake Como >  Territory >  Origin of the Lake Como

Origin of the Lake Como

The geological origin of Lake Como and Lugano, like many Italian subalpine lakes, is glacial. In Quaternary era the whole basin was covered by a large glacier which exceeded the branches of Como and Lecco, came from the Brianza where it gave birth to the present moraine hills.
The lake was formed in the cavity excavated by the glacier, where the slow transition is evidenced by the rocks that still bear signs of erosion and numerous boulders present mainly on the heights of the Larian Triangle.

Inhabited since prehistoric times, Lake Como has always had a great importance as a communication link between the northern regions and the Po Valley.
After the Gauls settled there, the Romans, who made it a strategic point on the western side, opening the way for linking the "Larius" with Rezia. Later, with the Lombard domination, this street, which still bears the name "Regina" (Queen) was refitted and reopened by Queen Teodolinda.
Given the strategic importance of the lake, which was used to reach the pass and the Spluga, for centuries the area was subject to invasions and dominations.
After the Franks, around the year 1000 the city of Como, which became an autonomous municipality, had always struggled for its autonomy. Then underwent the lordship of the Visconti and Sforza. Those thinking about extending the bed of the Adda in order to have a connection by water to the Duchy of Milan, which is why they opened the first ship of Paderno. Followed the foreign rule, first the Spanish then the Austrians and for a brief period even the French.



See also:

  Characteristics lake Como
  Climate lake Como
  Origin of the Lake Como

Vacation on Italian lakes
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